

Q: What is the benefits of JMeter


Q: How to read csv to execute script in Jmeter


parameterize the test data for test scenarios. Here are the steps to read a CSV file in JMeter:

  1. Create a CSV file: Create a CSV file with the test data in the following format:

The first row of the CSV file should contain the column names, and subsequent rows should contain the test data.

  1. Add a CSV Data Set Config: Add a CSV Data Set Config element to the test plan by right-clicking on the Thread Group and selecting Add → Config Element → CSV Data Set Config.

  2. Configure the CSV Data Set Config: Configure the CSV Data Set Config by specifying the path to the CSV file, the variable names to store the data, and the delimiter used in the CSV file.

  3. Use variables in test elements: Use the variables created by the CSV Data Set Config in test elements such as HTTP Request samplers, by enclosing the variable name in ${} notation. For example, if the variable name is "username", we can use it in the HTTP Request sampler as ${username}.

Here are the detailed steps to configure the CSV Data Set Config:

  1. Right-click on the Thread Group in the test plan and select Add → Config Element → CSV Data Set Config.

  2. In the CSV Data Set Config element, specify the following values:

  • Filename: The path to the CSV file.
  • Variable Names: A comma-separated list of variable names to store the data from the CSV file.
  • Delimiter: The delimiter used in the CSV file. The default delimiter is a comma.
  1. Use the variables in test elements such as HTTP Request samplers by enclosing the variable name in ${} notation.

Here is an example configuration of CSV Data Set Config:

Filename: /path/to/testdata.csv Variable Names: username,password Delimiter: ,

In this example, the CSV file is located at /path/to/testdata.csv, and the variable names to store the data are username and password. The delimiter used in the CSV file is a comma.

We can then use these variables in test elements such as HTTP Request samplers as ${username} and ${password}. When the test is executed, JMeter reads the CSV file and populates the variables with the test data from the file.

Q: How to run test in Non GUI mode in JMeter

Go to bin folder and use this command

jemeter -n -t <path of jmx file> -l <path where u need to store report\result.jtl>

Q: Explain the Ramp-up period?

When it comes to testing the loading of an app, only a few users are considered then all for effectively studying the behavior of the app. This also derives a lot of useful information to know the overall performance of the app. Of course, it takes some time in making all the users in the running state. This time period is generally called the Ramp uptime.

Q: What are the roles of Listeners in JMeter. Can you name a few of them?

The prime role of listeners in the JMeter is to save the outcomes of tests after viewing the same. Basically, they are also very useful when it comes to graphical analysis as well as tabular analysis of the outcomes. A few of the commonly used Listeners are:
  • Aggregate Graph
  • View results tree
  • Aggregate report

Q :What are the main parts of a Thread Group?

The main parts of Thread Group as mentioned below
Controller:  which controls the entire flow of the thread group
Assertion: This is responsible for time management. Basically, it checks whether the response is there within the specified time or not.
Sampler: Its task is to send different requests to the server
Configuration elements: It manages information related to the requests that are to be integrated with samplers
Listeners: Its task is to save the final outcome of the run.

Q:What are Post-Processors in JMeter?

They are quite similar to the Pre-Processors. The only difference is they are used after the accomplishment of sampler requests. They can easily be used when it comes to taking values from the sampler response.

Q:Mention the execution order of Test Elements?

The test plans elements execution order is
  1. Configuration elements
  2. Pre-processors
  3. Timers
  4. Samplers
  5. Post-processors
  6. Assertions
  7. Listeners

Q: Explain what is the configuration elements, timer, Test Fragment ?

configuration element works parallel with a Sampler. To set up defaults and variables for later use by samplers configuration elements can be used. At the start of the scope, these elements are processed before any samplers in the same scope.

A JMeter thread by default will send requests continuously without any pause. To get a pause between the request, Timers are used. Some of the Timers used are Constant Timer, Gaussian Random Timer, Synchronizing Timer, Uniform Random Timer and so on.

Test fragment is also a type of element like Thread Group element. The only difference is test fragment is not implemented unless it is referenced by either a Module controller or an Include controller.

Q: Explain what is Assertion in JMeter? What are the types of assertion?

Ans: Assertion helps to verify that your server under test returns the expected results
Some commonly used Assertion in JMeter are
  • Response Assertion
  • Duration Assertion
  • Size Assertion
  • XML Assertion
  • HTML Assertion
